Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goal: Exercise Regularly

If I want to be someone like I talked about in my last post, someone who doesn't obsess over food and how much of it she's eating, then I need to exercise regularly. I need to burn some calories in order to keep a balance going on. I can eat normally and not have to worry about it. In addition, we all know exercise is good for us. And I do feel better when I exercise.

I also have some guidelines when it comes to exercising. I don't want to spend my life in a gym or training for marathons or anything of that nature. I just want to be fit an healthy. So my guideline is at least one half-hour run a day. It's short but good. I usually get more than that but there are days it's all I can fit in. I'm lucky enough to have a job that allows me to take an hour out of my work day for fitness. I try to fit my run and some weights into a workout.

I also have a long term goal when it comes to exercising: I want to be fit when I'm old. I see some people when they're old, they've gained weight, they can't move fast or need a walker. I want to keep up a level of fitness that will move me away from that. I know, I'm only 24, chill out. But that's the time when you have to think about these things. The same as if you are saving for retirement.

So keep fit and have fun!


  1. Hi Gillian

    When I was in university full time and with my two kids, I actually found time to exercise. I didn't have a weight problem then! Just before Christmas my mom died. Afterwards, I got really depressed. All I did was crave sweets - cakes, cookies, candy. In the last six months I have put on a lot of weight. Went up 3 sizes, from size 4 to 10. Worse than it sounds because I am fairly short! I know I really need to start exercising again. However, motivation is my problem. How do I get motivated? Appreciate any tips.

  2. Sometimes I still have a hard time motivating myself to exercise. And especially when you're just starting out! I would say to find something you like, something you can easily fit into your day, and something you know will give you a good work out. And honestly, my main motivation for exercising is being able to eat without worry (in moderation of course).

    Another way I get exercise in is not driving. I have a liscence, but my bf drives a standard. In the winter we walked to work, and now we bike to and from. I also live fairly close to grocery stores and other stores so I just take a back pack and ride there. It also helps me buy less because I know I have to carry it!
